The weekend is here…. countdown begins!

The weekend has finally arrived!

We are now on official countdown to family beach trip 2015!!

Sun, sand and 10 humans in a condo…. it will be epic!

Of course all but 2 are older but still, fun will be had by all!

I was really struggling about what to write about.

My mind is a mish mash of madness lately so I find myself doing mundane chores needed to pass my time and think.

I decided to celebrate the weekend and start packing for the beach!

It is my happy place.

The place where I can be me and also find myself.

Sometime we get soul sick, though we don’t always want to admit it.

We tend to reflect on times in our lives that may have been wonderful in the moment but did not end so well.

Lately I have had the mental playback of the list of things I screwed up on. And boy is it long!

But a friend told me to not beat myself up over it. Though it’s hard for me, they are right.

Because the screw ups lead me to where I am today and honestly I can’t imagine being anywhere else.

I wish some things would have turned out differently, but I know many others do too.

I am going to find something fun to do today, indoors or out (depending on the heat!) and have fun with the boy.

We deserve it!

And so do you!

Stay fabulous my friends!